I LOOOOVE MAKING QUILTS! If I am not thinking about schoolwork I am probably thinking about new quilt ideas. Shawn likes to remind me that no person in the world needs this many quilts. He is going crazy with the amount of quilts around our house because he is more of a minimalist clean freak (not a freak because I really appreciate his cleanliness), where I am more of a compulsive creator which inevitably makes the living room look like it was hit by a fabric bomb. Secretly it is even worse then he knows. I just know when he gets home and I tidy it up into nice neat piles so he doesn’t have a heart attack from the mess. I do make quilts as gifts for others, however, some quilts I just cannot part with. So, to accommodate this quilt addiction and Shawn’s desire for less quilts, I thought I would make quilts for different uses or occasions so that I can make more and keep them in different places around our house or in the car. You know, spread them out, so the quilt mountain on the side of the couch is reduced! It makes sense in my head. 🙂
The point… is my first CAMPING QUILT! Yes I said first because I recently realized that we can’t always cuddle under one quilt. We need 2 for when we are fishing and the sun goes down. 🙂 I would love to see him snuggled up in a quilt, fishing, all while controlling the boat! hehe, another excuse to make another quilt!
So here it is!

That is my boyfriend (Shawn) holding the quilt up against his will. hehe. I love his cute feet!
So you might be thinking where did I get all of this awesome camping fabric? Well, I had an online shopping addiction a little while ago and found all of these beautiful specimens on random online fabric stores. I actually have more camping fabric then I used for this quilt. I omitted some because they were either too childish or too crazy for this quilt.

Yes those are Camping Babes!! And there is Fish, Campers, Tents, Wild Animals, Mountains, Maps, ATV’s, Camping foods, Outhouses, Beer and PLAID!

I love all the different colors of the fabrics. I did this purposefully so that it can get a little dirty and you wont be able to tell.

I chose to do a little experimenting with this quilt and decided to try free motion quilting for the first time. Up until this point all of my quilts have been made with straight lines, which I love, but I have wanted to branch out. I also thought that pebble quilting was perfect for a camping quilt because they look like little rocks. SUPER CUTE!! This style of quilting took longer so I decided to only quilt the dark grey framing fabric to make the process quicker.

You may be able to see the pebble quilting more clear in this beautiful image. Again please notice Shawn’s beautiful feet!! (LOVE YOU).
I used a strip of fish fabric close to the bottom of the quilt and used an old sheet that I picked up at Value Village. The old sheet is super soft. Mush softer then new fabric.

This is me fishing while cuddling in my super cute camping quilt. I was so excited to use it everyday of our trip. We used it to lay on the beach, we used it on the dock while swimming (which turned into a dogs bed), I fished while cuddling in it and I used it as a pillow on every car ride. It made the journey soo much better.
FUN FACT: I wrote this whole post while cuddling in my cute camping quilt with Missy the Kitty on top!
I hope you have fun creating your own camping quilt too!
Canadian Friends: you can find links to products like the ones I used in this post here!
Amarican Friends: you can find links to products like the ones I used in this post here!