Category: Healthy Recipes

Veggie Egg Whites Cooked In a Muffin Tin – A Weight Loss Breakfast Recipe!

Veggie Egg Whites Cooked In a Muffin Tin – A Weight Loss Breakfast Recipe!

Delicious Veggie Egg Whites cooked in a muffin tin have been a game changer for me in my weight loss journey! They are super customizable to your taste preferences and you can make a few in each batch with different ingredients, so that you never…

Healthy Chocolate Banana Pancake Scramble! – Kid Friendly Meal!

Healthy Chocolate Banana Pancake Scramble! – Kid Friendly Meal!

Haha… As you can maybe tell from the title of this recipe it didn’t turn out like we had planned. Corbin has asked me for a few days now to make pancakes, but because I’m on a paleo type diet (which means no flour) I…

Mom’s Delicious Veggie Pie Recipe!

Mom’s Delicious Veggie Pie Recipe!

Delicious Veggie Pie that will make you love to eat your veggies!! It makes the house smell wonderful as it is cooking!! And your guests will also love this light vegetable side dish, but beware… they will ask for the recipe!! I know what you are thinking! “Jenna……

Best Hamburger Salad Recipe! – A Healthy Alternative Meal!

Best Hamburger Salad Recipe! – A Healthy Alternative Meal!

My husband makes the best Hamburgers EVER!!! Super juicy and tasty too! However, you probably know that burgers are not a go to meal for weight loss, so I have worked with him to discover a way of making all the ingredients in these burgers the healthiest version.…

Best Spicy Guacamole Recipe! – Super Yummy!

Best Spicy Guacamole Recipe! – Super Yummy!

This Spicy Guacamole recipe is super yummy with a KICK! It’s a must have recipe for your collection, because everyone who tries it, loves it!! I have made this recipe for some parties that we have hosted in the past and it is always is a hit! And…

Super Delicious Butternut Squash & Chicken Salad Recipe!

Super Delicious Butternut Squash & Chicken Salad Recipe!

Butternut Squash is Da BOMB!!!! This recipe for Butternut squash & chicken salad is Amazing!!! You will want to make lots so that you can eat it for the next days lunch too. Recently I decided to discover new ways to cook veggies, in delicious…

Awesome Weight Loss Veggie Soup Recipe!

Awesome Weight Loss Veggie Soup Recipe!

This soup Veggie Soup is super yummy. When I’m trying to lose weight this is my go to soup because it freezes great and I never get sick of it. I usually just throw everything in my soup pot without knowing how much of each…