Have you ever felt kind of stuck with where your life is at… You might have so many goals and aspirations in life, but thinking about it all just makes you feel more stuck! Do you feel like your goals in life are not clear in your mind, and you don’t know where to start? Do you just feel uninspired? I’m totally with you! This has happened to me many times throughout my life! But I got ya!
Sometimes I feel like I have so much to accomplish, and so much to do, but not having clear goals of what I really want, prevents me from doing anything! It can be a really frustrating feeling!
Exciting news there is an exciting tool that I use to get myself out of this slump! And it is so fun to do! It’s creating a beautiful and inspiring Vison Board! YES!! A Vison Board! Because when I see my desired life in pictures and words day after day, I start to move in that direction! It also helps you become clearer about what you want, because when you are looking at a lot of different life images, you become more aware of what you are drawn to! This is BIG!
And you can do it too! And it’s super fun to look for fun amazing life photos! Who doesn’t want to look for pictures of their dream life? Lets make one together!

This tutorial includes affiliate links. These links are to things that I personally use, or that are better than what I have. This means the products are awesome & will be very helpful for you to complete these projects.
- Cork Board or Poster Board ( I used a Cork Board that is 48 inches X 36 inches from Staples)
- Computer to look up Images (I used Pinterest)
- Photo Printer and Photo Printer Paper…
- OR Magazines instead of the 2 items above!
- Scissors
- Push Pins or Tape or Glue
- List of things you want in life!

Step #1: Before you start looking for beautiful inspiring photos and words… You need to get clear about what topic you want your vision board to cover. Think about topics such as:
- Health
- Work
- Relationships
- Home
- Style
- Travel
- Education
You don’t have to include all of these topics on one board. Focus on what is the most important to you at this time. For me, I want to have a clear visual representation of the first 5 topics, so that is what I have focused on in my own Inspirational Vision Board. And it filled a large board… you could also do smaller more individual vision boards. I’m actually thinking I want to do another Vision Board that specifically focuses on my “dream house” so that I can get more clear on the home projects that I want to accomplish this year!

Step #2: This is the FUN PART!! Search for images of what you want your life to look and feel like! I found the easiest place to find a ton of beautiful images is on Pinterest. When you find an image that you love on Pinterest and that you want to use on your Vision Board, just click on the 3 dots which will give you the option to “Download Image”. Just download a bunch of life inspiring images (I also downloaded some sayings that I loved) and save them to your computer in a new folder called “My Awesome Life Vision Board!” Wink!
Step #3: Once you have all of your images saved onto your computer it’s time to print them out. It’s nice to have a photo printer for this step, to print out beautiful sharp images onto photo paper, but it’s totally not needed. You could use a color printer, or you could send the images to a place that prints photos for you!
Alternatively you could totally cut photos out of magazines instead of the whole Pinterest and printing thing, but I like the very specific photos you can find on Pinterest, to be an easier way to source your beautiful inspirational images.

Step #4: Now that you have all of your images, I like to organize them by category, so that my Vison Board has a flow to it, and is easy for me to see my vison for different areas of my life. It also makes it look neater, prettier, and clearer in my mind! But you do what you think looks best, because after all it’s what works for you!

Step #5: Start putting your images on your board in groups! I used a large Bulletin Board (48 inches X 36 inches) that I bought from Staples. I then used push pins to attach my images. I like this method because I can always revise my Inspiration Vison Board by removing or adding images, when I feel like I have new visions, or have accomplished a vision and want to remove it and fill the space with a new goal in life. Its a good thing! Wink!
In the photo above are some images that represent how I want my relationship with my Shawnikins to be, and the photo below is the group of images that represents how I want my relationship with my kids to be!

The group of photos below represents my friend goals! Wink! So important for the soul! These make me smile!

Next are my health goals which I have in the middle of the whole board because without this extremely important goal, I can not fully and effectively accomplish my other visions and goals!

After that I have my vision for my work… This blog! Being creative gives so much color to my life, and giving it a space on this Inspirational Vision Board makes me more excited to wake up each day to do what I love. P.S. Did you know I used to be a Registered Nurse, and notice how nothing on my vision board has anything to do with that… I find this exercise to be so enlightening and helpful in figuring out what you love in life… or what you don’t!

Up next is my style inspiration. This I found extremely fun too! Who doesn’t like looking at cute clothing and hair styles? I think this exercise was helpful in finding my style too! I think deep down I’m a flowy, boho, hippy chic, just waiting to burst out. And surprisingly I love long trench coats! Now I can’t wait to go shopping!

And lastly my Dream home! It’s so interesting to do this exercise, because it makes clear what you didn’t even know before. When looking at images of homes I was so drawn to cottage looking homes near the water. I love everything clean, natural, and cozy feeling! I guess we are moving! LOL! One day!

Step #6: Put your completed Inspirational Vision Board in a place that you frequent at least a couple times throughout your day. You might not want something like this hanging in your living room or kitchen for everyone to see, but maybe it would work in your bedroom, home office, craft room, or like me, in our new home gym! It’s a home gym work in progress, but I’m going to hang my Inspirational Vision Board near my treadmill, so that I can work on my mental visions, as I work on my bod! I mean health! Wink! Where would you hang yours?

I hope this activity helps you to become more clear with your life, the direction that you want to be heading, with your life goals, and now feel inspired to create a life you love!
Whenever I look at my vision board a get so excited about my life, and where I’m going! Its a great feeling! You can feel like this too!
Until next time, enjoy creating your inspirational life, and don’t forget to create beautiful things everyday! So much love!