Bugs, bugs, bugs, some are good some are bad… Bugs, bugs, bugs, ask your mom or ask your dad!
Because mom and dad now suddenly have to know everything about everything, and teach our little kiddos what they need to know to succeed in life (#Covidlife)… well guess what?? Learning about Stick bugs might not contribute to how successful your kiddos will become, but these Stick bugs sure come with some interesting facts, and you can find lots of ways to incorporate a fun crafty activity in there too! Plus kids pretending that their DIY Stick bugs are real and scary, are fun to photograph! Oooooh, the memories we make! Wink!

RELATED POST: DIY Stepping Stones Decorated by the Kiddos!

- Stick Insects can regenerate their own limbs! (Just like starfish)
- Stick Bugs can play dead! (Just like daddy when the kids want something)
- Female Stick bugs can reproduce other female Stick bugs without a Male!!!! (try explaining that to a 4 and 5 year old!!)
Facts found on the website Thoughtco.com. Go to 10 Fascinating Facts About Stick Insects to find out some more interesting Stick bug facts!

- Sticks (Go on an adventure around your neighborhood to find them)
- String / Embroidery Thread / Hot Glue might work as well
- Paint
- Paint Brushes or Fingers

STEP 1: Go on an adventure around your neighborhood to collect some sticks.
NOTE: If you can find a stick that looks like the body/head of the one below (where the stick body ends but then two smaller antenna looking sticks start) then your stick bug will be magical and extremely reali-stick looking! Wink!

STEP 2: Find a way to attach your sticks together to form your DIY Stick bug. We used embroidery thread because that is the first thing that came to my mind… But I think lots of hot glue might look more reali-stick! Next time! And then take a photo of your child loving their stick bug creation…

STEP 3: (Optional because Stick bugs really just look like sticks, but my kiddos insisted they needed to be painted) Paint your Stick bugs! Painting Sticks is life!
Corbin went with a natural color scheme…

While Ivy decided to make her DIY Stick Bug a little more magical!

STEP 4: Enjoy your magical DIY Stick bugs! We played stick bug hide-and-seek, where they put their Stick bugs in different plants around our house and then we had to find them. So fun!

I hope this little learning activity has inspired you to make learning fun for the kiddos and for you! You got this bug lovers!
Until next time, have fun creatively educating your kiddos, and enjoy creating beautiful things everyday!